X86 Emulator For Powerpc Mac

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10-07-2009, 04:51 PM
Hi, I have experienced your emulator and the progress is incredible on it. However, I would like to know if you have considered compiling under a PowerPC processor?
It would benefit performance wise i think, since the GameCube runs natively on a PowerPC architecture. It would also allow people like me to not have to buy an enthusiast PC build if I already have a working PowerPC processor. You can simply compile the source code if you run Yellow Dog Linux on a hardware configuration that it supports and by using the GCC compiler explained in the link below.
As I understand it, in reference to my friend at school, and from wikipedia, the emulator not only supports emulation for the game, but the processor; it has to, because in order for the emulator to run on a PC today, you would need to convert a PowerPC instruction set to x86 and x64, because the GameCube's games were programmed for a PowerPC processor. I've used your emulator on a gaming laptop (apparently a gaming laptop; it looked more like a really good casual laptop with 6 gigs of ram), and I noticed generally slow performance levels with Super Smash Brothers Melee.
I asked my friend how the hell it would run slow on 6 or 4 gigs of ram in 64 bit mode and he said that the GameCube processor is a PowerPC processor. I was actually surprised to hear that, seeing as that also means there's a way to convert PowerPC's instruction set to run on an x86 and x64 processor. It got me thinking that, if you were to compile your source code with a PowerPC processor that can be runned by a general Operating system, such as...Linux, you could basically create your own version of a GameCube operating system because GameCube games run natively on a PowerPC instruction set.
Today, I'm a Sony fan. I've been brain-raped by the PS3's awesome power and potential to where I wanted to learn how to program for the PS3 and the Cell Processor. I did my research on the Cell and found out it also uses PowerPC architecture. The bigger Playstation 3's can also run Linux. I found a page with detailed instructions on how to run linux and make programs that will work effectively with the Cell processor. You guys should do just that with Dolphin. You don't need to know how to program specifically for the cell processor. All you'd need to do is compile the Dolphin source code with a PowerPC compiler (gcc is the compiler that is explained in the link below) while on a PS3 or any type of computer that Yellow Dog Linux supports.
By doing this, you can allow people to run Dolphin and it's games under a native environment, assuming they have a PowerPC processor. Personally, I like the idea of using the Cell on my PlayStation 3 to run a GameCube emulator, especially since there are drivers that will allow the controller to be used on the computer.
Programming Applications on the Cell Processor

Popularity aside, there's plenty of technical difficulties regarding Mac emulation. I do realize a good chunk of Mac users aren't coders, but that doesn't mean coders won't have a huge number of obstacles too. The PowerPC CPU is rather complex, probably not as bad as a x86 CPU emulator.

Powerpc Mac Software

X86 Emulator For Powerpc Mac

X86 Emulator For Powerpc Mac Catalina


Powerpc X86 Arm

PearPC is a useful emulator that can run PowerPC builds of Mac OS X under Windows or other x86 operating systems. PCE and Mini vMac are able to run 68k builds of Mac OS, QEMU is also capable of running earlier PPC builds of MacOS, and VirtualBox and VMware Fusion can run x86/64 builds of Mac OS X. As I understand it, in reference to my friend at school, and from wikipedia, the emulator not only supports emulation for the game, but the processor; it has to, because in order for the emulator to run on a PC today, you would need to convert a PowerPC instruction set to x86 and x64, because the GameCube's games were programmed for a PowerPC.

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