Police Scanner App For Mac

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Police Scanner App For Mac

In article <17072009104...@sky.net>, Davoud <st...@sky.net>

> Just curious--what is the purpose of listening in on law-enforcement

Free Police Scanner App For Mac

If you are searching a police scanner app you can consider downloading it. It is one the top free police scanner apps for cell phones. You can listen to thousands of police scanner around the world. You get an access to top 100 live feeds. It allows you to search through your favorite feed and listen them in background. Out of many radio scanner apps on Playstore and Appstore, Scanner 911 ranks as the best police scanner app of 2020. That’s an obvious edge, and it’s mainly because of the value and user experience it provides. So in case you were wondering which is the best police scanner app according to Playstore and Appstore, it’s Scanner 911.

Free scanner apps for macPolice scanner app for mac

> communications? Entertainment? Need to know what is happening in real
> time? Evasion?

There are more reasons than one can dream of. One of my friends is an
EMT, and he monitors EMT frequencies as he drives around because he has
a personal interest. I'm a ham radio operator and a member of an
emergency communication team; many of our members listen in on police,
fire, and EMT frequencies so they have a heads up that our team may be
called up to volunteer. I've been at events where we provided
communications for the staff running the event and accidents happened.
Monitoring fire frequencies (they respond to accidents) let us know how
long it would be till help arrived when we otherwise wouldn't have
known. It's nice to be able to tell staff that the fire engine should
be here in x number of minutes -- staff people need all the calming
they can get. I'll put that in the happening in real time category.

I suspect most people who listen in (and the original poster gets to
have his reasons apart from my speculation) is that they're wannabe
cops or firemen who want to fantasize. I'll put that into your
entertainment category.

  1. Fewer document scanners are Mac compatible, and some are only partially so. Most document scanners (with the exception of some high-end models) come with a software suite that includes, at the.
  2. Police Scanner is the first interactive police scanner application for the iPhone. Alert friends to emergency broadcast streams in real time with text messages. Police scanner 2 also allows users to record interesting events and save them to replay later.

And I'm sure some people committing crimes scan to see if they've been
detected. That's evasion, of course.

And I'm confident that I have no clue what other reasons, nefarious and
otherwise, people listen in.

PulsePoint Respond is a 911-connected app that can immediately inform you of emergencies occurring in your community and can request your help when CPR is needed nearby. PulsePoint Respond is not available in all areas. The service is only offered where adopted by the local public safety agency.

PulsePoint AED is a simple-to-use tool that enables you to help build the public AED registry in your community – or anywhere!

Police Scanner App For Mac

PulsePoint is a 501(c)(3) public non-profit foundation building applications that help public safety agencies inform and engage their citizens.

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